How do you get real social media engagement? Everybody wants to be “liked” and the popular company, artist or new site. Today social media world is huge. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Google+ and more sites going online frequently engagement matters. The thumbs-up, “ Like” or +1 buttons represent the ultimate stamp of approval from consumers to their networks. But real
Yes, there are those with “Twitterphobia” and there are a number reasons not to be afraid of Twitter. As of 2nd quarter of 2015 there are 304 million monthly active Twitter users in the Twitterverse. Twitter is the social “networking party”! The ultimate “networking party” on a global scale with an endless capacity for attendees and discussion worldwide. Those people
Too many people record music and want to be a “star” with out realizing it is about entertaining and not just about the music. You are a commodity aka a Brand. There are far too many bad artists on mainstream radio today than good ones. Many more talented artists have recorded tracks that are not selling, as they should be. Getting