Do you have Twitterphobia?

Do you have Twitterphobia?

Yes, there are those with “Twitterphobia” and there are a number reasons not to be afraid of Twitter.  As of 2nd quarter of 2015 there are 304 million monthly active Twitter users in the Twitterverse. Twitter is the social “networking party”! The ultimate “networking party” on a global scale with an endless capacity for attendees and discussion worldwide.  Those people

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Just What is SEO?

Just What is SEO?

Search-Engine Optimization, or SEO, can seem like a mystery to even informed social media professionals. With so many components that go into getting your page a good ranking, how can you keep track of all the pieces that matter AND implement a winning SEO strategy? has taken a stab at organizing the apparent chaos with its Periodic Table of SEO,

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